SJ - April 17, 2021
Patrick Mahomes' fiancee Brittany Matthews went out on Friday night in a bright orange outfit. The "vibe" certainly got her some attention.
Here's the new mom's look eye catching look.
A Vibe
— Brittany Matthews (@brittanylynne8) April 17, 2021
There was something besides the outfit that caught the eye of those on Twitter. It was her new mom boobs.
Some were apparently unaware of what happens to a new mom's body after she gives birth. Others knew and just wanted to show support for her new mom look.
Respectfully them titties is full of nothing but grade A+ callKasian breastmilk
— Apollonia’s pimp (@KaheemSpann) April 17, 2021
— Julie Something
(@juliejuice08) April 17, 2021
And they act like Mahomes dont know what he doin....that build is
— Tha Notorious (@gamesnhiphop) April 17, 2021
momma got new boobs
— mo (@morgan_dorothea) April 17, 2021
She get a (.) (.) job??
— State of the Vikings (@vikingsMNtweet) April 17, 2021
— Hay (@Haybugx3) April 17, 2021
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