Traci Callahan is Enjoying the Beach Vibes in Brazil

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SJ - December 10, 2021

Pro volleyball player Traci Callahan is taking a break from training to enjoy the beach vibes and views in Brazil.  She's creating quite the view herself.

The beach life is a pretty good one if you can swing it.  It's not for everyone and nor should it be.  There should be some requirements to living the beach life.  Traci checks all of those boxes.

Here's a look at her enjoying those Brazilian beach vibes.


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A post shared by Traci Callahan 🍀 (@callahanvolleyball)

Something tells me whoever snapped the pic, possibly her husband, was enjoying the beach vibes and the view in Brazil as well.  Probably even more than she was in the pic.

It's a win-win for everyone involved, including her followers.


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