The Eagles Snubbing Trump Story is Fake News!

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Tex Hollywood - February 24, 2025

There's a story that all the Trump Haters in your network are likely posting on their social media as if it is a win, or a sign of redemption against Trump, who they are trained to hate.

That story is that the Eagles team owner is totally against Trump's politics and the moves he has been making to clean up America in highly entertaining ways.

It is customary for a President to host the winning Super Bowl team at the White House, but the Eagles claim they want nothing to do with it.

The Eagles haven't actually made a statement about visiting the white house.

TMZ and other outlets have discovered that the Eagles haven't been invited to the White House, so no snubbing has happened.

The story stemmed from someone in the locker room said "If they get and invite, it's unlikely they would go because there's a massive "no" around the room after front office had a meeting to discuss with the players.

In 2018, most of the players rejected the opportunity to go after they won, so the invite was rescinded.

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  • Ilafan says:

    I wouldn’t go either. Fuck Trump forever!

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