The Cavinder Twins on a Leg Day!

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Tex Hollywood - March 12, 2025

The Cavinder Twins are college ballers, in their fifth year, which is actually their sixth year, because they took a year off to focus on health and fitness enthusiasts, diet experts and coaches if you pay them enough.

They are on some Van Wilder kick, only their strategy is to get in the WNBA to further increase the value of their brand deals, while still hustling on social media, getting equity in new health and wellness products, and pretty much killing it.

They are also both dating pro or soon to be pro athletes, which means they are really covering every single aspect of a curated influencers life and they do it well.

They even sell exclusive content to the pervs!

They shared a selfie from Leg Day and and a video of what they eat, probably also on leg day, since everyday is leg day!

The only thing they haven't got into, but should, maybe for their exclusive platforms, is crushing watermelons with those strong legs.

We can always dream!

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