The Blonde Bomber is Selling Autographed Lingerie Pics

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SJ - October 14, 2021

Ebanie Bridges, aka the Blonde Bomber, isn't trying to fit in.  She's doing what she does and that's stand out.  The bantamweight has taken her lingerie weigh ins to the next level.

That's right she's now selling autographed lingerie pictures on her website.


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A post shared by Blonde Bomber 💣💁🏼‍♀️ (@ebanie_bridges)

Up to this point, and despite popular demand, Ebanie has managed to not join OnlyFans and cash in big.  While autographed lingerie pics isn't the same thing, an argument could be made that it's a step in the OnlyFans direction.

I'm certainly not hating on either of them.  If there's a market go get paid.

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