Rare Snacks Company Says Jackson Mahomes Scammed Them

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SJ - February 21, 2022

Another day, another story about Jackson Mahomes getting on someone's nerves.  This time he pissed off Rare Munchiez, a rare snacks and drinks company, that claims he scammed them out of a care package.

The company claims they agreed to send Mahomes a car package in exchange for a shoutout on social media.  Once they shipped out the care package and it showed it was delivered he ghosted them.

They company then decided to call him out on TikTok.

If Mahomes did receive the care package and ghosted them then that's a dickhead move.  I can't blame Mahomes for reaching out for the care package.  These snacks look awesome.

But if you say you're going to do something, do it.  With that being said, if the snack company ends up reading this they can send us a care package and we can ghost them just like Mahomes did.

We don't have quite the reach Mahomes has on Instagram, but we also don't have a brother with a $500 million contract either.


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