Raiders Owner Mark Davis Says He’s to Blame for the Bizarre “I Can Breathe” Tweet Following Derek Chauvin Verdict

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SJ - April 21, 2021

On Tuesday afternoon former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.  Shortly after the verdict was read people reacted on social media.

There were plenty in the sports world who reacted to the verdict too, including the Las Vegas Raiders.  The team tweeted out "I Can Breathe" in response to the news.  The bizarre tweet is still up despite causing some controversy.

So who is to blame for the tone deaf tweet?  Raiders owner Mark Davis is to blame.  He says it's his tweet and that it was inspired by Floyd's brother.

From Las Vegas Review-Journal:

“That’s my tweet. That was me,” Davis told the Review-Journal. “I don’t want anyone in the organization taking heat. I take full responsibility for that.

“I was driving home from a meeting (Tuesday) when the verdict came in. Soon after, I was listening to George Floyd’s brother, Philonise, speak. And he said, ‘Today, we are able to breathe again.’ I took my lead from him. In my mind, that was all I needed to say — ‘I can breathe.’

“I believe it has a lot of context. (Chauvin) was on his neck for more than nine minutes and was found guilty on all counts. And now, his knee is fully off his neck. Unfortunately, it’s a little too late.”

The tweet makes a lot of sense to Davis, but then again so does his insane haircut....

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