Patrick Mahomes Gets Fat Shamed!

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Tex Hollywood - July 17, 2024

Patrick Mahomes hasn't been the fittest looking player in the NFL. For the last few seasons, he's been on the chubbier side of things and it's come up a few times, or at least been mocked a few times, because he's expected to be fit.

He's marketed as the greatest QB of all time, so when coming back to training camp after the off-season looking a little softer in the midsection, people are assuming that he's packed on some of the baby weight with his pregnant wife, but she hasn't even put on as much weight as he has.

Clearly, a pro athlete is expected to be ripped, to be a machine, with low body fat and who eats clean with nothing but speed and agility, so the dad bod is frowned upon.

In fact, there are likely clauses in contracts ensuring these athletes remain a specific weight, but when you include that in a female model contract you're a toxic male.

Where's the body positivity and support people?

Well, the truth is that he is getting some support, people love seeing a chubby guy be the GOAT QB at the same time, it validates their couch potato lifestyle and makes the player all the more relatable to the common man. It's like he's so good, he doesn't even have to workout or watch what he eats and is still good. So along with the hate, there's plenty of support!

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