Olivia Dunne Looks Good Too or Maybe Too Good!

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Tex Hollywood - January 10, 2023

As we all know by now, Olivia Dunne is the viral TikTok sensation who happens to be on the LSU Gymnastics team, making her an official college athlete who probably wouldn't have been a college athlete had they not changed their Name and Likeness policy on college athletes getting paid.

She is the center of constant debate that I don't really subscribe to because I think a hot girl who postures herself as a hot girl can be a hot girl who also has skills like being an elite athlete. Sometimes, those skills as an elite athlete make the hot girl even hotter, in part because of her fitness level, but also because it gives them another hook besides being the hot girl.

That said, whether she's famous on TikTok for being a gymnast or for being a hot girl or for both, is irrelevant.

Now, the problem with being on the mainstream stage with a massive audience that has subscribed to whatever it is you're selling, is that now you're famous.

In being famous, you're more than just the hot girl that none of the fans can find, you're the hot girl with a schedule, a start time, even a known hotel you are staying at. Making it pretty scary!

According to our old partners before FOX bought them out, TMZ , a group of Olivia Dunne's fans showed up to her meet in Utah, screaming for her, like crazed weirdos would do.

I am actually impressed the nerds who chase the viral tiktok stars left their dorms, some may have even driven there from their mom's basement, but I forget that TikTok stars to this generation are like Madonna or Michael Jackson or Britney Spears or N'Sync were to an older generation, they just lack the infrastructure, stage presence, talent and real appeal.

Which is probably what's wrong with this generation/

Maybe this is all part of a viral stunt, not to try to date her, but I can assure you that College Gymnastics never had so much support.

Here she is reminding you she's hot:

Watch on TikTok

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  • Mike L says:

    Those little boys are pathetic. Like she would even acknowledge any of their existences. She’s looking for a pro athlete, not some little simp.

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