Mallory Edens Does Rich Girl Country!

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Tex Hollywood - July 30, 2024

In all that is going on with sports thanks to the biggest international sporting event taking place in Paris, it only makes sense for a sports site to cover the real hard hitting sports stories like this one.

Mallory Edens, daughter of Wes Edens who is the owner of a bunch of sports team thanks to being a partner in Blackrock before running off to do his own thing, is in Wyoming doing the whole "county cosplay" that everyone seems to be doing these days thanks to the popularity of country music with the mainstream instagram crowd.

However, Wyoming natives are probably very used to rich people doing this for the last 4 decades, because their tax free state with favorable privacy laws is a hub for the rich and famous who have no real identity but who love to dive into a good costume party given the chance.

Conveniently and not very surprisingly Wes Edens, the financial wizard is based or at least has one company out of Jacksonhole, where Mallory and her model friends are partying. It's just good business, plus he probably loves skiing.

He apparently owns an exclusive hotel in the area, which is probably where the billionaires are staying.

The heiress is with a model named Moa Aberg and a girl named Sarah Jordan Buss, who if the name sounds familiar, is married to Jesse Buss who is the late in life son of Lakers owner Jerry Buss who was born in 1988 and less famous than his sister Jeanie who runs the show.

See, there are layers to this sports story that has sports owners, luxury, tax evasion, cowboys and country music all wrapped into some pics.

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