Livvy Dunne Does Gymnastics!

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Tex Hollywood - January 8, 2024

Here's your weekly reminder that LSU senior and TikTok sensation Livvy Dunne still does Gymnastics.

This weekend, she posted some content from her recent meet. The 21 year old celebrated "Meet SZN" where she scored a 9.875 on her routine.

The Tigers ranked 3 and Dunne's score helped carry the team.

People like to hate on Livvy for her tiktok success, reducing her to a babe creating gymnastics clickbait, but she only does that because she's a babe who gymnastics and can. It's far more appealing that the other kind of clickbait out there, which is why she's a hit!

Here she is doing a dance routine in her LSU gymnastics uniform with her best friend.

Here she is doing TikTok content about her gymnastics:

Watch on TikTok

Watch on TikTok

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