Lebron James Denying a Kid Goes Viral and His Supporters Defend Him!

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Tex Hollywood - August 14, 2024

There's a video from a few days ago where Lebron James, who you know has a ridiculous ego and is an overpaid, overhyped, probably piece of shit kind of person. It's not his fault, it's just what happens when you're scooped up at a young age by a bunch of yes men feeding your ego and hyping you up so you make everyone a lot of money.

That being said, he is responsible for his own actions.

So when it came to this video of him denying a kid an autograph at the Olympics, so that he could make his grand entrance dance as a Gold Medal Winner, because he's a cheesy ego who likes being praised, it's fair to say he deserves any hate he gets.

Is it a big deal, definitely not, who cares. However, when you see these jerks being jerks, it is nice to call them out for being jerks.

His fan base have been compilation videos they've put together because they are weird of him hugging fans, being nice to kids, capturing all the moments he's done good, to offset the one time he got caught being bad.

It only takes one time of being bad to showcase the true personality behind the Laker's jersey.

He says "Stop Stop Stop Don't Do That" to the kid....nice guy.

You can be good all your life, but beat up a girlfriend once and that is how it brands you.

Is being mean to a kid to rush into a club to dance for the cheering fans the same as beating a wife, maybe. That kid may go onto to do horrible things all because he was given a slice of reality, that these rich people are insincere and hate you.

This is what happens when you overpay people for insignificant skills and make heroes out of them.

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