Larsa Pippen Has Michael Jordan’s Approval!

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Tex Hollywood - March 3, 2023

I like to think that 48 year old Larsa Pippen and Michael Jordan's 32 year old son have one of the creepier romances around.

Not because it is unconventional for an older lady to date a younger dude, I feel like that happens all the time in this era, but I am sure people will scream "double standard" in internet outrage because old men have been dating younger ladies since the dawn of time. Remember Anna Nicole Smith?

It's creepy because Larsa Pippen was married to Scottie Pippen when her current boyfriend Marcus was just a kid. We don't know if it is a grooming situation, or how creepy of a situation because we don't know how close the teammates were, or even how much time Larsa was around the Jordan kids during that era, she claims they never met when he was a kid, so maybe it's not creepy at all, but it's creepy on paper.

Apparently, Michael Jordan doesn't think it's a bad thing as Larsa says she spoke face to face with him and he's totally cool with it.

We don't know how Scottie feels about the whole thing, because apparently he has longtime beef with the Jordan family from their teammate days.

Either way, it's a clickbait story in an era where everyone needs all eyes on them!

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