Kristin Cavallari’s Ex Husband Jay Cutler Addresses the Dead Bear Hate!

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Tex Hollywood - June 1, 2023

Jay Cutler, the NLF veteran and celebrity ex-husband to Reality Star Kristin Cavallari, has made the internet mad.

He killed a bear, likely hunting and not just for a fun activity to watch the bear die, or to see if he could wrestle it to death like a real man.

He made the mistake of posting it to the cesspool that is social media, where people get triggered and outraged and their triggered outrage creates a domino effect of triggered outrage and next thing you know the hive mind of the comment pool is screaming "BEAR KILLER".

Or more entertainingly "Jay Cutler has been killing the Bears career since the draft."

The ex-NFL player was in Montana and took part in a bear hunt and not just because he played for the Chicago Bears and should be more sensitive to the species, but because people hunt.

Sure, killing animals is seen as cruel, even if it's a sport but I definitely understand hunting and I don't hate on hunting, but I don't think it's something that needs to be celebrated with the pictures, videos and hunting trophies of random animal parts around your house.

The way I see it, if an animal gave its life to feed you, arguably unnecessarily in this era of Walmart Grocery stores, respect it.

The truth is, getting your own food is an important part of being humans that we don't experience in this lazy era of everything made available at the corporate run, chemical filled level. So we all should experience hunting, to really understand that process, to connect with nature and the human experience rather than mindlessly going to Walmart. Just don't post the kill online because it's not normalized, when so many other terrifying non-human things are.

So posting the kill is probably a gratuitous brag, but other hunters probably dig it.

The only disturbing thing about the photo is how they propped the majestic beast up to look like it's just chillin' despite being freshly killed.

Here's the post:

He addressed the hate with a hilarious post that read:

If you didn’t like the bear post, here is a rainbow to calm you down. You’re welcome.

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