Jutta Leerdam’s Dad Reminds the Kids that Smoking is Cool!

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Tex Hollywood - July 19, 2024

Jutta Leerdam, speed skater and Jake Paul's woman is home in the Netherlands for a BBQ and she introduced us to her dad and he's cool as hell.

The media likes to lie to you all the time and one of their big lies was an aggressive attack on big tobacco.

Sure, you can argue that it gives you cancer, but so does the water, the food and everything else around us, so why not get cancer in style.

Then with the shaming of the cigarette, came a movement that tried to take the hollywood glam aspect out smoking and turn it into something trashy that crackheads did.

So instead of smoking, the people started sucking on battery powered sticks, little remote control devices to get their fix.

They went digital, when we live in an analog world, where connecting with a plant is far better than sucking some neon USB key.

Not that I am a smoker, but when I see people like Jutta Leerdam's dad smoking so cool, with some serious style, it makes me want to pick it up!

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