Jutta Leerdam in the Pool!

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Tex Hollywood - June 22, 2023

Jutta Leerdam is the accomplished, 6 foot tall, Dutch speedskating champion, who has even won an Olympic gold, so she's legitimate in this world of instagram do-nothings.

The good news for Jutta is that she's hot enough, fit enough to have the same look of the instagram do-nothings who make millions doing nothing.

She's basically the first hot speedskater in the history of the sport, not nearly as masculine as those provided in the 88 Olympics by the Soviet block.

In having gone viral as a babe, influencer, all dolled up for every competition, she's LURED top dog influencer Jake Paul into her trap, like she was a professional like his last girlfriend mooch.

The young couple claim to be madly in love, her with a social media idol in America she likely grew up watching, him with one of the hottest legitimate athletes, and together, they must be in Puerto Rico where Paul lives to evade taxes.

She is in the pool posing. Her caption read "Cooling Off" to which Jake commented "Heating Up", it's like a modern day romantic comedy on the Hallmark channel with more ass!

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