IG Model Emily Wallace Gives Us a Friendly Reminder That Opening Day is Less Than a Month Away

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SJ - March 20, 2022

Major League Baseball finally got their shit together and reached an agreement on starting the 2022 season.  As a result there's going to be a summer full of double-headers.

Opening Day is less than a month away.  Great news for those among us who still enjoy the game of baseball, all nine inning of it.

Instagram model Emily Wallace can be counted as someone who still loves the game, despite Rob Manfred's repeated attempts to ruin it.  She provided a reminder of Opening Day's arrival as only she can.

Now if that doesn't have you excited about the MLB's return then nothing will.  Summer is for baseball, beer, and beautiful women.

That time of year is right around the corner and can be marked by the first pitch.


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