Hailey Steinfeld Football WAG’s Christmas Wish!

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Tex Hollywood - December 26, 2023

Hailey Steinfeld is in a low key relationship with QB Josh Allen, who has just set another NFL record and is the only QB in history to achieve what he has achieved, which isn't bedding an A-List actress from the super hero movies, but that's probably the more exciting part of his job.

It's nice to see a more genuine, real, authentic celebrity relationship in the NFL, when all we've been hearing is the Taylor Swift attention seeking media frenzy circus that comes with every Chiefs game.

So I like to support Steinfeld's NFL love over Swifts, probably because she's classier and less vile!

Her Christmas message read:

Dreamiest Christmas ☁❤

Merry Christmas to you and yours, My Loves

Set to these lovely pics! What a babe.

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