Tex Hollywood - March 18, 2025
Some of you may be thinking that Gracie Hunt's team lost the Super Bowl, which means that she's a huge loser, living that loser life, with nothing but sadness, disappointment and feelings of being a failure weighing her down.
The truth is that these Super Bowl decisions are most likely made in a tunnel underground somewhere, where the small group of team owners decide how the season will play out, based on top ratings, earnings and hype which benefits them all. It is a business.
Gracie Hunt is one of the team owners, she inherited a piece of the team which is a pretty amazing thing to inherit if you're looking for that good life.
She is probably not very sad her team lost, because they did make it until the end and they had a banner year that was surely profitable.
She is most likely not sulking in sadness at the family villa in Mexico, but rather enjoying herself, playing tennis and doing other rich girl things.
She is not a professional athlete, but she cuts the checks for professional athletes, making her tennis match real sports news.
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