SJ - June 9, 2022
A female Dodgers fan was enjoying herself a little too much at a game recently and ended up being carried out by security. The fan was doing some dancing after allegedly consuming a little alcohol. According to a witness, who documented the entire thing on TikTok, the woman's boobs kept popping out of her jumpsuit.
A few Karens sitting nearby weren't fans of the performance and complained. The dancing fan was asked to leave and did not go without an escort.
Here's how the situation was described on TikTok, "She was obviously drunk. She was living her dream as a Dodger cheerleader but her dress wasn't 'Micheladas-approved' so her girl keep popping out. The lady is pretty so Karens start complaining, the staff asked her to leave many times."
Why as a society are we taking any complaints as valid? I know the Dodgers have rules and all, but a little boob popping out during a baseball game seems like something many, if not most, fans wouldn't have a problem with. Nine inning baseball games are long, especially when there's no boobs popping out.
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