Conor McGregor Signs The Biggest Girl Band Since the Spice Girls (According to him)!

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Tex Hollywood - February 13, 2025

One of billionaire fighter Conor McGregor's projects is a record label. He's made a lot of money in his career and diversifying into fun areas is a good way to keep busy.

The label is called Greenback Records, it has signed Xzibit for his first record in over a decade.

It's now signed a band called Sweet Love, who McGregor is saying is the biggest girl band to come out of the UK since the Spice Girls.

The goal of his label is to offer artists a fair deal and to empower artists, which is what all labels probably say before locking them into slave-like contracts.

Click the gallery to see some of the band's pics, they are a racy influencer inspired group and based on their looks and content, you'll understand why a perv like McGregor is moving into this realm of business.

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