Cavinder Twins Viral Dance Video!

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Tex Hollywood - July 24, 2024

The Cavinder Twins have been in the gym, focused on fitness, for the better part of the year that they weren't playing college basketball.

They were famous as the duo on the court, playing for the same team while being twins, but then they graduated and decided it was time to actually get fit.

Normally, the athletes get soft in their time away from the sport, but instead the Cavinders totally reinvented themselves.

They've become fitness influencers, in the true sense of the term, giving people the chance to workout and get fit like them under their program.

They've become brand ambassadors and hustled that really hard, landing equity in some brands in the process.

Now, they are heading back to college, where they'll continue to cash in before ending up in the WNBA and through it all they cart us along on their journey, because they are constantly producing and uploading content.

Today, they gave us a dance video:

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