Bill Belichick’s Young Girlfriend Jordon Hudson Rocks His Super Bowl Ring and Not Much Else!

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Tex Hollywood - February 7, 2025

Bill Belichick's lovestory with Jordon Hudson, a girl he met on a plane when she was in college and still a cheerleader.

Lucky for him, he's a celebrity multi-millionaire coach with many Super Bowl rings on his shelf because she was into that kind of thing.

Also lucky for him, she had daddy issues, or even grand daddy issues, because she was willing to give the old man her best years of her life.

Lucky for her, the old man like hot young chicks.

Even if Bill Belichick never grew up because he worked in sports his whole life, doesn't take away from the fact that he's basically 90 years old, and this is an Anna Nicole Smith love story, despite what Hudson says it is in her "you're just jealous" rebuttals to the media being all "ewwww" about her sex life.

Anyway, he let her wear one of his rings to an event yesterday, like that time your grandad let you wear his lucky hat fishing.

She didn't wear much else, because she must show off her body to fulfill her role as arm candy trophy wife there for the old man's golden years, ready to change his diapers so long as the will has been updated.

She said that she chose her gown because it looked like the Lobardi Trophy.

Sure it does.

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