Tex Hollywood - November 1, 2022
Horse Racing's never been so classy!
A group of female racegoers at the Spring Racing Carnival in Brisbane gotinto a heated exchange.
A woman charged another woman and a pile of ladies rolling around hitting each other formed, one dude tried to break it up by failed.
I figure this is standard practice for Australia, the world's favorite penal colony filled with some of the best people to get drunk with because they are wild, but it's always funny when a fight happens and the trash surfaces, while wearing their Sunday's best.
The female Australian bogan is a spiteful creature, that quickly becomes ferocious after consuming its preferred diet of West Coast Coolers. While it may attempt to hide its feral nature with Kardashian-brand makeup, its dream-catcher tattoos soon reveal the truth.”
The incident is supposed to be recent, but YOU never know, the Spring Racing Carnival goes from October 8 - November 1st!
Bad Ass with a Good Ass
— Sack Sally Capp ☻ (@meanwhileinau) October 29, 2022
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