Arik Armstead’s Chick-Fil-A Order!

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Tex Hollywood - September 15, 2023

Arik Armstead is a 6 foot 7, 290 pound defensive lineman for the 49ers and I guess for Chick-Fil-A because I never trust any branded content for being organic and wholesome, I just assume it's clever and manipulative paid ads.

The 29 year old, 17th Draft Pick who had his career year in 2021, with 63 tackles in 17 games. He was injured last season and is still recovering so dude needs to feed that injury proper. or get paid, or both.

In a recent TikTok he shared his order with the world, a chicken sandwich, large fries, half ice tea / half lemonade, another standard sandwich, four count chicken strip and a southwest salad for a total of 2400 calories.

The reality is that many fat people eat just as much, so you're probably not all that impressed b the meal.

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