Laura Rutledge Wears Old Pants!

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Tex Hollywood - July 11, 2024

Laura Rutledge is the ESPN reporter you all love to love. She was also Miss Florida in 2012, which makes her broadcasting career all the more exciting. It's not that you follow the Miss USA pageants, but when you find out that someone you think is great and into sports is a pageant winner, they seem far more important and credible. Their titles validate your feelings towards them

That's probably why MLB player Josh Rutledge locked it down with her back in 2013, which was apparently a big year for her and her pants, because she posted these pictures of her celebrating her black pants, which are her favorite pants that she's had since 2013.

So 11 years of marriage, kids, career and the pants are still with her, like friendly pet that doesn't die and that I'm sure you'd all love to house sit if she needed you to, because it's 11 years of wear!

Those are some old pants!

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